If you come in person for visit, after filling out the patient profile form, the type of surgery will usually be determined for you.

If you have been in contact with us online and through WhatsApp, this form will be sent to you, and please answer all the relevant questions correctly in the same chat.

Choosing the right type of surgery will be possible with the patient’s participation

Correct surgery for the patient reduces the risk of a weight regain to less than 5 percent.

The result of the tests that your doctor is considering for surgery is very important in determining the type of surgery.

The result of tests can limit your type of surgery to a specific surgery

For example, you are a bulky person and you are a good option for sleeve surgery, but due to having grade 3 GERD reflux, the surgeon will have to perform classic bypass surgery to maintain your health and treat your reflux.

Having a family history of cancer (especially bowel and stomach cancer at a young age) can be effective in determining the type of surgery

Tobacco smoking as well as the duration of its use is effective in determining healthy surgery.

Endoscopic Findings and having polyps and stomach ulcers can limit your type of surgery.

The age of the patient for surgery can influence the choice of surgery for the surgeon.

Patient’s eating pattern and correct diagnosis of being massive portion eaters, crumb eaters and sweet eaters has a great impact on choosing the right type of operation for the patient

Body Mass Index (BMI) can help determine the type of surgery that is right for the patient