Patients with a BMI above 30 who have not achieved the desired result in the weight loss process with diet and nutrition and have an underlying disease along with the obesity are candidates for the surgery.

Patients who have a BMI or body mass index above forty are considered obese patients and will be included in insurance services. If you have arrived in person and received the necessary documents for the surgery, you need to complete all your tests (which will require the approval of an endocrinologist in case of discrepancy with normal range), abdominal and pelvic ultrasound (women under 40 years of age with bilateral breast ultrasound and women over 40 years of age with mammography of both sides), upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and finally the approval of a cardiologist for bariatric surgery (obesity). You can visit for preoperative consultation and determine the type of bariatric surgery:

Office number to coordinate appointments and receive visits:

Office phone: 02188077478

 IVR: 02128426376

Patients who have been visited online can receive an electronic copy to prepare the above documents and do all the tests in the city or province of their residence and send the final result of the tests through WhatsApp with the number 09120217510 to Dr. Azizi and after the final approval, make an appointment with the secretary to make the necessary coordination for surgery with this number 09220854147

Patients with underlying diseases:



Heart disease

Neurological disease

Autoimmune disease

History of corticosteroids ….

Need the approval of their relevant physician, for better treatment and follow-up the treatment of their underlying disease, before bariatric surgery (for medication or special care before and after the surgery).

Patients who have a history of previous gastric or intestinal surgery, need a color photo of the stomach (upper GI) and a summary of their previous surgery to have reoperation.