Gastric sleeve surgery is a common surgical procedure for obesity, during which 80-75% of the stomach volume is cut and removed from the body, and the remaining banana-shaped stomach is sewn with a staple and thread.

Who is a candidate for gastric sleeve surgery?

People who are called bulky eaters on their nutritional pattern

Upper and lower age groups

Patients with not very high body mass index Also patients with very high body mass index

Patients with underlying disease (autoimmune) and history of bowel surgery

Patients who have endoscopic findings based on gastric ulcer and need long-term endoscopy

Patients with a history of smoking, hookah and alcohol in large quantities and for a long time

Benefits of Sleeve Surgery

  • The surgery time is shorter than other surgeries
  • It is the least complicated surgery
  • No long-term mal-absorption for the patient
  • Due to the lack of intestinal manipulation, there is no risk of intestinal obstruction in this surgery

Surgical technique

In this surgery, the stomach is divided into two separate parts with the help of a tube that extends from the patient’s mouth to the end of the stomach. The remaining banana-shaped stomach is 20-25% of the initial stomach volume.

Reducing the volume of the stomach makes patients feel full faster after surgery. Hormonal changes caused by the elimination of hunger hormone make the patient feel less hungry.

Weight loss in the sleeve surgery

  • At high BMI, the patient will lose 70-80% of their excess weight
  • In the first six months, usually 50-60% weight loss occurs
  • Weight loss will be followed by one year
  • Most patients reach their lowest weight in 12-24 months after the surgery
  • The success rate of this surgery is 80-90%

 Improving obesity problems after gastric sleeve surgery

Clinical trials and large studies have shown that gastric sleeve can eliminate or improve many of the complications of obesity, including:

  1. Type 2 diabetes

(Most studies show that 60-80% of patients with type 2 diabetes recover after gastric sleeve surgery)

  • Blood pressure
  • Fatty liver disease
  • High cholesterol
  • Sleep apnea
  • Reduce the risk of cancer
  • Asthma
  • Migraine
  • Infertility
  • Gout
  •  Low testosterone
  • pcos

If your body mass index is above forty, you will be eligible for insurance services

Recovery after the surgery

The approximate time of surgery is usually 30-40 minutes

The patient is usually discharged 36 hours after the admission

Patients are encouraged to walk, several hours after the surgery

Most patients will be able to return to work and personal activities within a week after the surgery

Weakness and tiredness are common in the first two weeks due to a liquid (low-calorie) diet, but most patients do not feel hungry at this stage.

Patients can start exercising, four weeks after the surgery

Due to rapid weight loss in the first three to six months after the surgery it is possible:

  • Feeling exhausted
  • Feeling cold
  • Dry skin
  • Hair loss
  • Mood swings

Keep in mind that these are usually common after the weight loss surgery and can be treated.

Complications of the surgery

Over the past decade, with the improvement of surgical techniques and the experience of gastric sleeve surgeons, it has become a safe obesity surgery. However, complications can occur during or after the surgery.

Risk of leakage at the staple line.

(Which is less than one percent and is usually treatable endoscopically)

It is important to note that in addition to using a stapler, the surgeon can greatly reduce the risk of leakage by suturing the stomach.


For prevention, blood-thinning ampoules based on body mass index are prescribed to the patient for ten days, and patients should wear anti-embolism socks for two or three weeks.

Heartburn and reflux

Which by performing endoscopy before surgery and in rare cases esophageal manometry, the risk of reflux is greatly reduced.

Disadvantages of the gastric sleeve

Skin sagging in patients with high body mass index

This surgical procedure is irreversible and the incised stomach is removed from the abdomen

It has less effect on metabolism than bypass method

In people who eat small and sweet foods (crumb eaters and sweet eaters), the risk of recurrence of this surgery is 30%

Weight regain after the surgery

After 5 years of follow-up the data collected by medical centers, shows that most patients after the gastric sleeve surgery can lose weight and maintain this weight loss.

The patient may not lose enough weight after the sleeve surgery or weight regain may occur.

This weight regain can occur if you do not follow the recommended lifestyle changes.

For example, if you eat high-calorie foods frequently, you may not have the desired weight loss.

To prevent weight regain, you should make healthy and permanent changes in your diet and have regular physical activity and exercise.